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PYRAMID Paper FOIL Sheets (120 Sheets) 11" X 10" Size in Composite Container
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PYRAMID Paper FOIL Sheets (120 Sheets) 11" X 10" Size in Composite Container

Product ID: 291202087
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Paper Foil Is a unique combination of Food Grade Paper fused with Aluminium Foil. It solves the purpose of both Paper Wrap - prevent i.e to provide a healthy food contact surface, absorbs the extra oil, while Aluminium Foil - keeps the food warm, acts as a light, oxygen, flavour and aroma barrier. Its premium quality and excellent characteristics make is the best choice for every houslehold. Pyramid has launched this product on popular demand from its customers and has finally come up with the solution that every home needs. Pyramid Wraps is Giving you the ultimate solution to healthier & friendlier alternatives for food & pharma packaging. The virgin paper packaging is made directly from the wood pulp so that the contact surface is food grade & hygienic. It is then coated & printed only with vegetable based inks & food grade coating. The strong and sharp cutter blade attached with the box help in finely cutting the paper for consuming as much qty as required. Simply pull the paper according to the length needed and wrap & secure your food in healthy paper. Extremely convenient & most relevant option in the time requiring to environmentally friendly products. This box can be placed in any drawer or shelf in your kitchen. Manufactured with the Highest Quality substrates. This kitchen tool is made to be thick paper & highly durable quality making it organic and environmental friendly. The blades remain super sharp even after multiple uses. Paper Foil Is a unique combination of Food Grade Paper fused with Aluminium Foil. It solves the purpose of both Paper Wrap - prevent i.e to provide a healthy food contact surface, absorbs the extra oil, while Aluminium Foil - keeps the food warm, acts as a light, oxygen, flavour and aroma barrier.

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