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RDR-30082AKU Wave ID Mobile Desktop Non-Keystroking Reader USB w/iCLASS ID & Seos with Bluetooth Low Energy Technology
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RDR-30082AKU Wave ID Mobile Desktop Non-Keystroking Reader USB w/iCLASS ID & Seos with Bluetooth Low Energy Technology

Product ID: 325916285
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rf IDEAS pcProx Plus BLE is a dual-frequency programmable card reader with integrated Bluetooth low energy technology. This reader allows users to leverage either their proximity or contactless employee ID badges, or any 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz tags or labels, for secure authentication and identification throughout the workplace. The pcProx Plus BLE interacts with sensors and mobile devices that are enabled with Bluetooth low energy. Depending on the end user's application software, pcProx Plus BLE can be configured to utilize Bluetooth low energy beaconing to serve a wide variety of applications such as in-building location, secure authentication, and item tracking. Overview RF IDeas pcProx Plus BLE is a dual-frequency programmable card reader with integrated Bluetooth low energy technology. This reader allows users to leverage either their proximity or contactless employee ID badges, or any 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz tags or labels, for secure authentication and identification throughout the workplace. The pcProx Plus BLE interacts with sensors and mobile devices that are enabled with Bluetooth low energy. Depending on the end user’s application software, pcProx Plus BLE can be configured to utilize Bluetooth low energy beaconing to serve a wide variety of applications such as in-building location, secure authentication, and item tracking. As one of the most robust readers available today, the pcProx Plus is provided standard with four user-definable card configurations enabling an IT or security department to seamlessly integrate additional card types. Supporting nearly all card types worldwide, RF IDeas readers provide flexibility to any customer, integrator or end users working with different card technologies. Additionally, the user-adjustable beeper volume lets users set the volume low or turn it off for quiet zones, or adjust the beeper volume to high in noisy work environments. In addition, in certain industries such as manufacturing where machinery or other fa

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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