HHI Rose Scented All-Natural Soy Candle | Fresh Cut Roses | Large 12 Ounce 3 Wick | Long Burn time | Includes Bamboo Lid and Gift Box
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HHI Rose Scented All-Natural Soy Candle | Fresh Cut Roses | Large 12 Ounce 3 Wick | Long Burn time | Includes Bamboo Lid and Gift Box

Product ID: 384062405
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Are you tired of your house feeling like it has an undesirable ambience and atmosphere? Wanting to make your home mood exciting and lively? Will your guest swoon over your beautiful house scent? Worry no more, our amazing HHI Scented Candles are perfect whether your relaxing, working, having guess over, home date nights, dinner parties, home and family bonding, learning, bathing, personal gift, or wedding gift. Only the finest all-natural essential oils are utilized, and we ensure that our blend creates a fair quantity of scent while not being overpowering. HHI All-Natural Scented Candles are crafted with our Premium Soy Wax Blend, which reduces soot levels, improves clean air quality, and eliminates housekeeping issues related with soothing deposits. Our mixture raises the melting point, resulting in a longer burn time. We offer our soy candles in both 8 ounce single wick and 12 ounce three wick candles. Includes a packaging that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly, with a bamboo lid and paper illustrated labels, as well as a gift box that can be used as a decorative element in any house. We have spent years making sure we have the best home-scented candles for the best price. Our candles are paraffin-free.

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